Hours of Operation:
Monday through Friday 6:00am to 5:30pm
Inclement weather could alter hours of operation
For the latest winter weather update from NOAA, CLICK HERE.
All in county rides require 24-hour notice and all out of county require 72-hour notice.

All rides are subject to availability.
Information and communication concerning MCPT’s services are available in alternative accessible formats, upon request. To initiate such a request, please contact [email protected] or call 217-839-4130. Telecommunications Relay Services permit persons with a hearing or speech disability to use the telephone system via a text telephone (TTY) or other device to call persons with or without such disabilities. To make using TRS as simple as possible, you can simply dial 711 to be automatically connected to a TRS operator.

We want your feedback and suggestions!
Macoupin County Public Transportation is happy to announce that we are opening up our group trips to EVERYONE and we’re looking for your suggestions.
MCPT will use the feedback from this survey to gauge interest in group trips that we currently provide and to add new and exciting trips to the calendar.
Rides range from $10-$20 per person. Other costs associated with the trips (meals, shopping, event entrance fees, tickets, etc.) are not included in the ride price. Individuals 17 and under must be accompanied by an adult. Call us for more information about group trips at 217-839-4130. Come ride with us!
Click here to take the survey:
Upcoming Group Trips:

Passenger Guidelines
Macoupin County Public Transportation serves the public therefore, riders may experience delays and/or additional wait time.
The Macoupin County Public Transportation wants all passengers to have a safe and pleasant ride. All passengers should be aware of the following:
- Personal Hygiene: It is the policy of Macoupin County Public Transportation to set, implement, and maintain high standards of personal and operational hygiene to safeguard the health and wellbeing of our customers and staff alike. Passengers and drivers are to maintain good personal hygiene so as not to offend other passengers.
- Because the safety & welfare of all passengers is important to MCPT, services will be denied to any person who poses a direct safety threat to other passengers or drivers. Any passenger who violates these rules may be prohibited from using this service.
- Have fare (exact change, please) ready when you enter the bus. Deposit the proper fare into the fare box. All seniors (60+) will be given a fare envelope for their suggested donation for in county rides for anonymous donation.
- No smoking (not limited to cigarettes, cigars, and vapors). Use of these products will result in immediate termination from the transportation program and a potential fine.
- Macoupin County Public Transportation has a zero tolerance for possession of and/or consumption of alcohol use or illegal drugs either before or after boarding our buses. The driver may refuse passage to anyone who appears intoxicated, is overly aggressive or abusive, or otherwise disruptive to other passengers or the driver. In the event of a passenger exhibiting any unacceptable behavior, the driver may eject the offender from the bus at the earliest safe location and/or summon law enforcement.
- Carry-ons must weigh less than twenty (20) pounds with a limit of 15 grocery bags per scheduled client. Persons riding solely as escorts are not allotted carry-on items.
- Driver may not act as an escort or personal assistant. Clients must be able to get themselves to and from the vehicle. If a client cannot do so, an escort or personal assistant is permitted to ride at no charge.
- MCPT is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
- Personal items may not be left on the vehicle if a client makes multiple stops. MCPT is not responsible for personal items.
- Service animals are allowed and must be in proper restraints. A service animal is any guide dog, signal dog, or any other animal individually trained to work or perform tasks for an individual.
- Comfort animals are allowed and must be in a carrier.
- Please remain seated. Seatbelts must be always worn while the vehicle is in motion.
- All children must be in proper child restraint seats as required by Illinois State Laws.
- Children 13 and under must be accompanied by an adult 18 or older.
- Please minimize conversations with and distraction to the driver.
- Macoupin County Public Transportation has a no call – no show policy that states that any cancellation less than 24-hours of the scheduled trip, failure to board the vehicle within the 5-minute wait period, or absence from specified pick-up location is qualified as a no call-no show.
MCPT reviews all recorded no call-no shows to ensure accuracy before recording them in a rider’s account. Riders will be subject to suspension under the following conditions:
- Schedule 20 or more trips within a calendar month and have no call – no shows totaling 20% of their trips; or
- Schedule 9 to 19 trips within a calendar month and have no call – no shows totaling 40% of their trips; or
- Schedule 8 or less trips within a calendar month and have no call – no shows totaling 50% of their trips.
Initially, 1 warning letter will be issued to notify the rider of the no call – no shows and ask for cooperation in scheduling trips with Macoupin County Public Transportation. If the problem continues, a progressive suspension length will be as followed:
- 1st suspension will be 7 days
- 2nd suspension will be 14 days
- 3rd suspension will be 21 days
- 4th and any subsequent suspensions will be for 30 days
Any client receiving a written notice of suspension has the right to appeal. This appeal may be directed to the Macoupin County Public Transportation Program Director, either in writing or via phone at:
Macoupin County Public Health Department
509 Illinois Ave.
Gillespie, IL 62033
To promote a safe, efficient, and pleasant trip for staff and riders:
- Be ready at least 30 minutes before the scheduled pickup time.
- Take your seat promptly and quietly.
- Reserve seats near the front for the elderly, pregnant women, and those with physical disabilities.
- Please use earphones if using sound producing devices (iPod, radios, CD players, boom-boxes, etc.) make sure they are not of such volume to be a disturbance to other passengers or loud enough that you cannot hear driver announcements.
- Baggage or other items you carry must be on your lap, under the seats or other location designated by driver.
- In case of an emergency, all passengers who are physically able to assist will be given instructions by driver.
- Possession or use of weapons, or items which can be implicitly used as a weapon
- Automotive type batteries, or other batteries of this type,
- Propane tanks, fuel containers containing fuel, explosive material etc.
- Hazardous or dangerous materials or devices.
- Items that are excessively large that obstructs the aisle, other passengers or takes up another seat.
- Profanity
- Consumption or possession of alcohol, and/or illegal substances.
- No smoking not limited to cigarettes, cigars, and vapors
- Behavior that is considered to be dangerous, disruptive, obscene, threatening, violent, inciting or insulting language and/or gestures.
- Fighting, or mock fighting.
- Throwing objects in the bus or out the windows.
- Harassing or intimidating other passengers or driver.
- Putting hands out the window.
- Putting hands on or touching other passengers without consent.
- Boarding the vehicle without the driver present.
To ensure the safety of all passengers, the Macoupin County Public Transportation reserves the right to remove and/or deny service to any passenger who has engaged in violent, illegal, or seriously disruptive behavior or poses a direct safety threat to others.
Macoupin County Public Transportation is not responsible for any items left on the vehicles. If you think you left an item on the vehicle, please call (217) 839-4130. Lost items that are not claimed within 30 days will be discarded. All items must be claimed at the MCPT office located at 509 Illinois Avenue, Gillespie, IL 62033.
Macoupin County Public Transportation hereby gives public notice of its policy to uphold and assure full compliance with the Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, and all related statutes. Title VI and related statutes prohibiting discrimination in Federally assisted programs require that no person in the United States of America shall on the grounds of race, color, or national origin be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to, discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.
Any person who believes they have been aggrieved by an unlawful discretionary practice regarding MCPT’s programs has the right to file a formal complaint. Any such complaint must be in writing and submitted to the MCPT Title VI Coordinator within one hundred eighty, (180) days following the date of the alleged occurrence. For more information regarding civil rights complaints, please contact:
Macoupin County Public Transportation
Title VI Coordinator
509 Illinois Ave.
Gillespie, IL 62033
Procedures on filing a Title VI Complaint can be accessed on MCPT Transit’s website at: mcphd.net.
This notice is posted at all MCPT facilities, including vehicles.
Macoupin County Public Transportation is committed to providing safe, reliable, courteous, accessible, and user-friendly services to its customers. To ensure equality and fairness, MCPT is committed to making reasonable modifications to its policies, practices, and procedures to avoid discrimination and ensure programs and services are accessible to individuals with disabilities. Requests for modifications can be made by calling MCPT at (217) 854-3223 or completing the ADA Complaint and Reasonable Modification Request Forms “Attachment A” located on the MCPT website: MCPHD.net.
Any person who believes she or he has been discriminated against in obtaining a reasonable modification under the Americans with Disabilities Act may file a complaint by completing the ADA Complaint and Reasonable Modification Request Form “Attachment A.”
MCPT will investigate the complaint received no more than thirty (30) days after receipt and will communicate results of all complaints in writing or other individually preferred accessible format.
MCPT’s staff is expected to be professional and friendly. Moreover, they are expected to abide by the same standards as our passengers.
Comment cards are available on MCPT vehicles and can be mailed back to the MCPT office.
Macoupin County Public Health Department believes that if a service user wishes to make a complaint or register a concern, they should find it easy to do so. It is each establishment’s policy to welcome complaints and look upon them as an opportunity to learn, adapt, improve, and provide better services. This policy is intended to ensure that complaints are dealt with properly and that all complaints or comments by service users and their relatives and caregivers are taken seriously.
At Macoupin County Public Transportation our mission is to attract and retain customers by providing Best in Class transportation solutions and fostering a disciplined culture of safety, service, and trust.
Macoupin County Public Transportation – making Macoupin mobile one person or bus full at a time!
- Macoupin County Public Transportation Fare Schedule
- Discrimination Complaint Form
- Transportation ADA Service Policy
- Reasonable Modification Request Form
- MCPT Title VI Public Notice
- MCPT Title VI Plan